Last spring, MBEF President Nina Patel announced that the foundation had approved $5.385 million in grants to the Manhattan Beach Unified School District for the 2013-2014 school year.
The grant includes an additional $385,000 over MBEF’s grants to the district last school year. This funding will save teacher jobs – especially to keep classes small and retain reading specialists at the elementary level, and to maintain small English classes from 6th to 12th grades. Click here for a complete list of MBEF grants.
In March, MBUSD issued layoff notices for 26.4 full-time equivalent staff positions (known as FTEs). Since that time, MBUSD has looked for ways to find savings in other line items, like books and supplies. With the additional MBEF grant money combined with such savings, MBUSD was able to rescind those layoff notices and retain most of those teaching positions.
Earlier this year, MBEF raised another record-breaking year of donations with its Annual Appeal posting more than $4.7 million.