Thanks to the support of parents and their school PTA leaders, this year’s Annual Appeal for MBEF is enjoying one of its best kickoffs ever. More than $2 million has already been raised towards MBEF’s ambitious $5.4 million annual goal.
One great development is more parents are giving at higher levels than in previous years. MBEF has over 100 donors that have given $5,000 or more since the campaign’s start this summer. MBEF raises money a year in advance. This year’s appeal will fund teachers in the 2014-15 school year.
Helping the cause, several of the Manhattan Beach school PTAs included an MBEF donation or pledge form as part of their “back-to-school” packets for parents. For instance, special recognition, like “Super Stang Family” at Meadows Elementary or “Dynamite Dragon Family” at Pennekamp Elementary School, were given for families that completed several items before a stated deadline.
“We really looked for ways to partner more with our schools in getting the word out about MBEF, especially for things such as our donation installment program where parrents to give in ‘bite sized’ pieces. We thank our PTAs for helping,” shares Nina Patel.
Thursday, November 7th is this year’s Pledge Day. Parent are encouraged to donate or pledge.
“The earlier the donations come in the door, the easier the workload on our parent volunteers– but it also helps us with grant planning,” shares Nina Patel, President of MBEF. “When we know we are going to have a successful campaign that meets or exceeds our goal, we can start thinking of new educational initiatives for next year for our students.”
“We are truly thankful for all the support our parents give to our schools,” shares MBEF Executive Director Susan Warshaw. “Without parent support, we wouldn’t be able to keep class sizes small, support music, focus on writing and science, and so much more.”
Last year, MBEF increased its grants to the schools by $385,000 in order to save teacher jobs last spring and it needs to raise more money this year just to sustain that ongoing incremental investment in education for our students.
Parents are asked to make a gift that is meaningful to their family with a suggested donation of $1,500 per student currently in MBUSD schools. To make a donation, please visit Every donation makes an impact.