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Imagine That! TEDx is back and better than ever!

By October 15, 2013eNews

On November 16th, the Manhattan Beach Middle School will once again transform its halls for an incredible awe-inspiring event – TEDx Manhattan Beach is back with its fourth annual day-long of “ideas worth spreading.”

This year’s theme is “Imagine That!” and features a group of speakers that will inspire, disrupt, educate and entertain.  The speaker line up is once again a stellar group — including Modern Family’s Danny Zuker (MBUSD parent), Jazz Pianist David Benoit (member MCHS Alumni Hall of Fame, local architect Alison Wright, and Author Charlene Spetnak.

“We are truly excited about another fantastic lineup of speakers and feel this year’s crop will continue our tradition of getting our Manhattan Beach community to explore new ideas and approaches, ” shares Kate Bergin, TEDx Manhattan Beach’s curator.

The conference is meant for anyone in our community, but the content is especially relevant to teachers, parents and potentially students.  Its IMAGINE THAT! theme builds upon the educational  push for the four C’s – Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking – in our schools.   MBUSD has made the four C’s part of its 21st Century Curriculum it has implemented in recent years.  Other 21st Century Curriculum projects have included the iPad Project and Writers’ Workshop.

“Two years ago, I attended this conference and enjoyed it so much that last year, I told my wife that she just had to attend,” shares local parent and entrepreneur Luke Dalliafior.   “It was one of the most thought-provoking conferences I’ve ever attended.”

MBEF, City of Manhattan Beach and the Manhattan Beach Unified School District will once again co-sponsor this event which is being held at the Multipurpose Room at the Manhattan Beach Middle School from 9 am to 3 pm.

For more information, visit here and you can purchase tickets here.  However, MBEF donors get a discount with promo code “MBEF” for $85 dollars for the day event which includes snacks, drink and lunch.

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