It has been an exciting few weeks across all campuses at MBUSD. Last week our 3rd – 5th graders returned to school for in-class instruction four days a week in an AM/PM hybrid schedule. According to Patti McCullum, a 5th-grade teacher at Robinson, “March 1st felt like the first day of school again, but this time in the middle of Spring!”. A sense of excitement was in the air as students walked down the hallways carefully spaced to their respective classrooms. It was clear to Ms. McCollum that being back on campus brought “a sense of calm and normalcy to an unusual year of attending school during a pandemic”.
On Monday this week, MBMS 6th graders returned to campus for in-person learning in their Humanities class in a two-day per week hybrid schedule. Assistant Principal Lisa Tanita shared that the administration is so appreciative of everyone for their hard work, support, and dedication to making the opening happen. According to Ms. Tanita, “it was all worth it to see their smiling eyes behind face masks and the interaction with peers and teachers, six feet apart of course, as they engaged in hybrid learning”. Ms. Tanita indicated that they look forward to continuing to make some waves as they support all students, whether on campus or through distance learning.
For those students needing extra support, MBUSD opened several additional high-need hybrid cohorts at the middle school and high school to reach more students. Invitations were sent to specific students to come to campus for additional support, in an EDP-style setting. One unique cohort at Mira Costa, the Case Carrier Cohort, allows for students to socialize with their special education teacher and other students while we await additional general education opportunities to expand.
Superintendent Mike Matthews visited the campus openings to see first-hand what in-person learning looked like and shared that “in every one of our openings, I have loved seeing the smiles on faces of students, employees, and parents. Even though it is not all-day learning at this point, it is a giant difference-maker that has had an immediate impact”. As things shift more positively in LA County and the state, we are sure to see more and more smiles on faces in Manhattan Beach.